Hey everyone, welcome to Pew Pew Panel. Today we’re discussing preparedness for any budget. What you can do, things to concentrate on, somethings you probably haven’t thought about. Oh, and today is definitely not Halloween.

Mail Call!
Eric Mail: Ballistic Engineering Trigger
Ava mail: Amend2 Mags

Would you rather:
Would you rather be stranded in the forest or in the desert?

Listener questions
If SHTF and you don’t have any guns, what are you taking? Do you enjoy cleaning your firearms?

Listener comments
From Dave S. In 1917 the US Army tested what later became known as the M1917 Browning Machine Gun, it was able to fire non-stop for 48 minutes and 12 seconds (over 21,000 rounds), how do you spell “AWESOME “!

Main Topic Part 1
Geopolitics What is it? What are the biggest concerns right now?

Main Topic Part 2
What can America do? What should America do?

Listener of the Week
5 stars I really enjoy Ava and Eric together. It’s really the best of both worlds, as they both have very different upbringings and perspectives. Appreciate the opposite.